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50 things to do during your no spend weekend

Another year is approaching quickly and I'm hearing so many people speaking of their new year savings plans. It does sound like a wonderful idea and I'm all about saving but what about an option for someone who doesn't want to commit to a long term savings plan? A great way to save money without dedicating an ENTIRE year is setting certain days to not spending any extra money. Some people do no spend days, weeks or months but, I like the weekend version best!


Below is the list I've compiled of 50 things you can do to stay busy and have fun during your no spend weekend. 

I'll begin with 25 staying in activities and then go to 25 going out activities. 

25 indoor activities

1.) Play board games - Monopoly, Clue and Connect 4 are pretty popular around here!

2.) Extra house cleaning ... it's not the most fun but there's always something extra to clean.

3.) Watch movies ... Do you have Netflix? Make a marathon of it!

4.)  Read books

5.) Color/draw with your kids, significant other or by yourself! I always find making art to be so relaxing.

6.) Practice your hobby. I crochet and can always use extra practice on my stitch work.

7.) Re-organize your pantry. 

8.)  Clean out your dressers. Rid your dressers of any clothes that don't fit or aren't worth keeping.

9.)  Family Bible time. Read the word with your family.

10.) Card games - my youngest son loves card games.. we love Uno!

11.) Rearrange furniture. Does your living room need a new look? Now's the perfect time to move that couch around.

12.) Make a fort- gather your family there and take turns telling stories.

13.) Take any unwanted/unneeded clothes, toys and shoes to a local donation bin.

14.) Netflix series marathon ... Stranger Things, need I say more? 

15.) Video game challenges

16.) Take surveys online.  Opinion Outpost offers gift cards in exchange for your honest opinion. See below for my referral link.

17.) Update budget 

18.) Groom pets - trim those nails and brush those coats!

19.) Take pictures. Cell phones have made home photos looks pretty darn professional. Have a photo session!

20.) Have a dance party - your kids will love this!

21.) Make and use fingerpaints. Look online for an easy fingerpaint recipe and then go for it. Make art!

22.) Take a bubble bath - we all could use one from time to time.

23.) Get/give a massage - yes,please!

24.) Home manicure/pedicure - pamper yourself!

25.) Beauty care - Do you get that caveman look like I do when my eyebrows need a trim???

25 going out activities

1.) Go fishing - my husband and oldest son could do this all day! Such a wonderful bonding time!

2.) Go to a park. Kids of all ages enjoy this. 

3.) Play a sport - tennis is our thang!

4.) Pick up trash. Clean up your local park or neighborhood.

5.) Play outside. 

6.) Take a stroll. Walking does wonders for your body!

7.) Clean out your vehicle- Mine could always use a cleaning.

8.) Take pictures - love nature? Take pictures of it!

9.) Nature scavenger hunt - get everyone involved in this one!

10.)Visit a Library

11.) Do yardwork - mow.. pull weeds. Now's a good time.

12.) Go for a bike ride

13.) Visit a neighbor/friend/family member

14.) Volunteer

15.)Wash your vehicle - a hose and some soap is all ya need!

16.) Organize your shed /garage

17.)Clean windows... every window, even your car windows.

18.) Rock hunt - this is big in our community. Folks paint rock and then hide them.

19.) Hopscotch.. an oldie but goodie

20.) Jump rope . I used to do double dutch.

21.) Pick flowers

22.) Play tag

23.) Have a race

24.)Blow bubbles

25.) Draw with sidewalk chalk.

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