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Our Frugal Ways

My frugal lifestyle began a few years ago. My husband loved to save money and I didn't, I had terrible spending habits.  It took a couple of years for me to jump on board with him and listen to his ideas. I began to realize that saving money meant security. I also realized that we could still have nice things and go on vacations and wear nice clothes, we just had to be smart with our money to be able to do so and have money to put back. We could have what we wanted, we just had to wait for a sale to get it and we could pocket the difference into our savings. 

Savings = Security

I began watching how he shopped and planned and it made sense to me, finally. Plan, plan, plan and wait until the time is right.  Establish and maintain that plan - change what doesn't work.

I eventually found it fun to do.

I learned what I know from my husband and it's the best gift I've ever received.

I now find it exciting to share what I know with others. To me, it's a gift to pass on.

Being frugal does not mean being cheap. We go out to dinner, go on family trips, wear nice clothes and shoes .. We are able to do so ONLY because of our spending habits. I'm a stay at home mother- my husband works outside of the home.

Have a look around, I've got tidbits and tools for saving money for you. Taking a strong hold on spending habits can change your life dramatically, and for the good!

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